Block Shares

Block Shares
20261141 20262562 20265766 20276029 20279822 20282516 20293488 20294256 20305223 20305420 20308564 20309043 20313844 20320232 20321385 20323695 20324360 20324893 20327675 20330750
Expected 150980 86074 93717 116825 104930 86975 126053 144303 15134 11399 83355 128829 121248 88834 93087 119158 77959 101505 76587 80966
Actual 84912 21087 47121 152053 52942 37486 152215 10865 155797 3478 45609 7376 72719 82394 13565 32523 9521 7816 40751 50388
Average 84444 83310 85819 92280 84063 77195 87806 84257 92126 71796 67865 66494 69054 62088 58150 57654 43385 43080 31575 36266

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,057,035 515020 514719 301 416,902.6476 13411732117 15022557710 112.01% 445522606.46269 12.69%
Last Hour 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,152 1 1 0 1,840,639.3143 115040 203480 176.88% 320.9462286 0.09%
Last 7 Days 8,064 10 10 0 1,599,362.5363 999602 637471 63.77% 3209.45546878 0.12%
Last 4 Weeks 32,256 37 37 0 1,708,268.1841 3950370 2455708 62.16% 11925.68998685 0.11%
Last 12 Month 387,072 446 446 0 1,490,324.3787 41542792 37238816 89.64% 153915.20203947 0.12%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
20330750 Confirmed anonymous 13/11 12:40:06 (UTC) 1,295,461.97 324.567421 80,966 50,388 62.23
20327675 Confirmed anonymous 12/11 23:48:47 (UTC) 1,225,398.41 324.567421 76,587 40,751 53.21
20324893 Confirmed anonymous 12/11 12:13:35 (UTC) 1,624,083.60 324.567807 101,505 7,816 7.70
20324360 Confirmed anonymous 12/11 09:59:45 (UTC) 1,247,346.58 324.567421 77,959 9,521 12.21
20323695 Confirmed anonymous 12/11 07:17:55 (UTC) 1,906,528.27 324.567421 119,158 32,523 27.29
20321385 Confirmed anonymous 11/11 21:35:38 (UTC) 1,489,390.47 324.568006 93,087 13,565 14.57
20320232 Confirmed anonymous 11/11 16:44:55 (UTC) 1,421,338.47 324.567421 88,834 82,394 92.75
20313844 Confirmed anonymous 10/11 14:07:53 (UTC) 1,939,962.08 324.567421 121,248 72,719 59.98
20309043 Confirmed anonymous 09/11 18:14:02 (UTC) 2,061,260.40 324.567421 128,829 7,376 5.73
20308564 Confirmed anonymous 09/11 16:13:37 (UTC) 1,333,679.66 324.567421 83,355 45,609 54.72
20305420 Confirmed anonymous 09/11 03:30:04 (UTC) 182,385.24 324.567421 11,399 3,478 30.51
20305223 Confirmed anonymous 09/11 02:29:46 (UTC) 242,140.65 324.567673 15,134 155,797 1,029.45
20294256 Confirmed anonymous 07/11 04:47:20 (UTC) 2,308,849.37 324.567421 144,303 10,865 7.53
20293488 Confirmed anonymous 07/11 01:33:49 (UTC) 2,016,848.15 324.567421 126,053 152,215 120.75
20282516 Confirmed anonymous 05/11 03:56:16 (UTC) 1,391,598.29 324.567421 86,975 37,486 43.10
20279822 Confirmed anonymous 04/11 16:45:50 (UTC) 1,678,876.97 324.567421 104,930 52,942 50.45
20276029 Confirmed bako235 04/11 01:01:56 (UTC) 1,869,205.73 324.567421 116,825 152,053 130.15
20265766 Confirmed anonymous 02/11 06:20:54 (UTC) 1,499,465.20 324.572318 93,717 47,121 50.28
20262562 Confirmed anonymous 01/11 16:58:37 (UTC) 1,377,191.81 324.567421 86,074 21,087 24.50
20261141 Confirmed anonymous 01/11 11:03:54 (UTC) 2,415,675.82 324.567621 150,980 84,912 56.24
Totals 1,907,918 1,080,618 56.64
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 110 confirms.