Block Shares

Block Shares
19784093 19796259 19796313 19808635 19809174 19810169 19812138 19830034 19831712 19839749 19860399 19898319 19905328 19916277 19918980 19919370 19924718 19928151 19936396 19938509
Expected 196850 73848 77611 88616 95339 195790 180649 112943 168568 122112 448188 157464 151070 122912 93230 216972 163313 218410 90395 132410
Actual 600973 212099 1276 202581 8563 15727 30905 235599 15495 61386 167107 326652 87561 150125 40049 5560 77558 44213 108267 28165
Average 166079 177540 153351 172144 170715 139870 142530 136932 135394 138460 95074 106529 115158 109912 113061 112044 116709 97571 106848 103526

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 3,959,762 514943 514642 301 416,690.2071 13402892599 15015575167 112.03% 445497609.88923 13.00%
Last Hour 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,152 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 8,064 4 4 0 2,418,108.8246 604527 258203 42.71% 1327.73968621 0.05%
Last 4 Weeks 32,256 17 17 0 2,596,122.4148 2758380 1605513 58.20% 5657.87922815 0.05%
Last 12 Month 387,072 619 619 0 1,234,023.0937 47741268 47141554 98.74% 221010.91652891 0.16%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
19938509 Confirmed anonymous 06/09 14:17:45 (UTC) 2,118,552.50 331.934866 132,410 28,165 21.27
19936396 Confirmed anonymous 06/09 05:32:12 (UTC) 1,446,313.63 331.934906 90,395 108,267 119.77
19928151 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 19:22:02 (UTC) 3,494,564.57 331.935049 218,410 44,213 20.24
19924718 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 05:08:31 (UTC) 2,613,004.60 331.934866 163,313 77,558 47.49
19919370 Confirmed anonymous 03/09 07:00:08 (UTC) 3,471,548.17 331.934866 216,972 5,560 2.56
19918980 Confirmed anonymous 03/09 05:25:18 (UTC) 1,491,681.89 331.935093 93,230 40,049 42.96
19916277 Confirmed anonymous 02/09 18:13:24 (UTC) 1,966,593.42 331.934866 122,912 150,125 122.14
19905328 Confirmed anonymous 31/08 20:40:23 (UTC) 2,417,114.99 331.934866 151,070 87,561 57.96
19898319 Confirmed anonymous 30/08 15:29:48 (UTC) 2,519,425.33 331.934866 157,464 326,652 207.45
19860399 Confirmed anonymous 24/08 02:05:09 (UTC) 7,171,008.32 331.935646 448,188 167,107 37.29
19839749 Confirmed anonymous 20/08 12:10:15 (UTC) 1,953,792.63 331.934872 122,112 61,386 50.27
19831712 Confirmed Cryptobucks 19/08 02:44:13 (UTC) 2,697,094.51 331.934866 168,568 15,495 9.19
19830034 Confirmed Cryptobucks 18/08 19:42:57 (UTC) 1,807,089.76 331.934866 112,943 235,599 208.60
19812138 Confirmed anonymous 15/08 17:22:31 (UTC) 2,890,380.21 335.681312 180,649 30,905 17.11
19810169 Confirmed anonymous 15/08 09:12:42 (UTC) 3,132,633.53 335.681067 195,790 15,727 8.03
19809174 Confirmed anonymous 15/08 05:05:09 (UTC) 1,525,421.52 335.681067 95,339 8,563 8.98
19808635 Confirmed anonymous 15/08 02:49:37 (UTC) 1,417,861.46 335.681292 88,616 202,581 228.61
19796313 Confirmed anonymous 12/08 23:45:55 (UTC) 1,241,774.94 335.681067 77,611 1,276 1.64
19796259 Confirmed anonymous 12/08 23:28:14 (UTC) 1,181,561.38 335.681067 73,848 212,099 287.21
19784093 Confirmed anonymous 10/08 21:06:20 (UTC) 3,149,593.80 335.682937 196,850 600,973 305.29
Totals 3,106,690 2,419,861 77.89
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 110 confirms.