Block Shares

Block Shares
20360539 20367469 20368257 20370955 20381141 20385129 20386595 20395394 20404462 20405636 20408295 20414472 20415563 20417546 20423841 20424378 20428861 20431492 20432759 20446951
Expected 56226 70014 223294 163049 87956 145750 98771 353394 117986 52581 109006 101286 60065 104943 113083 110615 71088 84331 130143 115040
Actual 58004 104058 11633 38784 153932 61775 22036 140131 145145 18529 42571 100666 18317 32379 99676 8313 76446 37285 18338 203480
Average 59176 68225 66136 69063 83674 85777 82942 62548 76836 75403 73859 73520 74189 73548 68123 62776 68217 57933 45252 63747

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,057,019 515020 514719 301 416,902.6476 13411732117 15022557710 112.01% 445522606.46269 12.69%
Last Hour 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,152 1 1 0 1,840,639.3143 115040 203480 176.88% 320.9462286 0.09%
Last 7 Days 8,064 10 10 0 1,599,362.5363 999602 637471 63.77% 3209.45546878 0.12%
Last 4 Weeks 32,256 37 37 0 1,708,268.1841 3950370 2455708 62.16% 11925.68998685 0.11%
Last 12 Month 387,072 446 446 0 1,490,324.3787 41542792 37238816 89.64% 153915.20203947 0.12%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
20446951 Confirmed anonymous 03/12 15:23:48 (UTC) 1,840,639.31 320.946229 115,040 203,480 176.88
20432759 Confirmed anonymous 01/12 04:13:41 (UTC) 2,082,289.85 320.945248 130,143 18,338 14.09
20431492 Confirmed anonymous 30/11 22:58:56 (UTC) 1,349,301.91 320.945248 84,331 37,285 44.21
20428861 Confirmed anonymous 30/11 11:57:54 (UTC) 1,137,411.60 320.945248 71,088 76,446 107.54
20424378 Confirmed anonymous 29/11 17:14:51 (UTC) 1,769,844.81 320.945248 110,615 8,313 7.52
20423841 Confirmed anonymous 29/11 15:03:43 (UTC) 1,809,331.97 320.945248 113,083 99,676 88.14
20417546 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 12:52:07 (UTC) 1,679,094.90 320.945658 104,943 32,379 30.85
20415563 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 04:36:48 (UTC) 961,033.89 320.945248 60,065 18,317 30.50
20414472 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 00:04:28 (UTC) 1,620,576.70 320.946474 101,286 100,666 99.39
20408295 Confirmed anonymous 26/11 22:22:50 (UTC) 1,744,100.41 320.945619 109,006 42,571 39.05
20405636 Confirmed anonymous 26/11 11:16:33 (UTC) 841,290.90 320.945254 52,581 18,529 35.24
20404462 Confirmed anonymous 26/11 06:23:02 (UTC) 1,887,781.39 320.945248 117,986 145,145 123.02
20395394 Confirmed anonymous 24/11 16:39:40 (UTC) 5,654,296.16 320.945257 353,394 140,131 39.65
20386595 Confirmed anonymous 23/11 04:16:52 (UTC) 1,580,340.23 320.945248 98,771 22,036 22.31
20385129 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 22:13:20 (UTC) 2,331,997.51 320.945270 145,750 61,775 42.38
20381141 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 05:41:12 (UTC) 1,407,290.36 320.945248 87,956 153,932 175.01
20370955 Confirmed anonymous 20/11 11:23:29 (UTC) 2,608,788.66 320.945248 163,049 38,784 23.79
20368257 Confirmed anonymous 20/11 00:17:41 (UTC) 3,572,711.60 320.945254 223,294 11,633 5.21
20367469 Confirmed anonymous 19/11 21:03:05 (UTC) 1,120,224.61 320.945248 70,014 104,058 148.62
20360539 Confirmed anonymous 18/11 16:18:39 (UTC) 899,617.77 320.945248 56,226 58,004 103.16
Totals 2,368,621 1,391,498 58.75
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 110 confirms.