Block Shares

Block Shares
19919370 19924718 19928151 19936396 19938509 19971628 19979627 19986640 19993680 20012044 20021776 20023526 20024853 20043785 20053138 20061498 20063597 20091259 20100455 20120210
Expected 216972 163313 218410 90395 132410 166754 163073 161514 102456 71275 163067 226033 113998 118986 283486 174834 112661 128165 118992 120919
Actual 5560 77558 44213 108267 28165 453916 108730 94784 90970 237024 125732 20794 15170 209542 105135 94090 23303 353196 125092 230913
Average 112044 116709 97571 106848 103526 132207 110414 111137 105221 124919 136936 131260 128355 138483 146180 110197 101654 127496 130908 130297

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,028,588 514985 514684 301 416,816.5975 13408052103 15020265082 112.02% 445511329.90755 12.78%
Last Hour 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,152 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 8,064 6 6 0 1,794,140.6181 672803 452682 67.28% 1947.40942164 0.07%
Last 4 Weeks 32,256 27 27 0 1,738,246.2161 2933290 2401524 81.87% 8781.74226543 0.08%
Last 12 Month 387,072 490 490 0 1,395,565.0758 42739180 39699614 92.89% 171492.843858 0.13%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
20120210 Confirmed anonymous 08/10 01:31:58 (UTC) 1,934,711.92 328.230473 120,919 230,913 190.97
20100455 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 15:24:59 (UTC) 1,903,867.41 328.230473 118,992 125,092 105.13
20091259 Confirmed anonymous 03/10 01:12:47 (UTC) 2,050,634.50 328.230473 128,165 353,196 275.58
20063597 Confirmed anonymous 28/09 06:18:55 (UTC) 1,802,580.60 328.231091 112,661 23,303 20.68
20061498 Confirmed anonymous 27/09 21:39:12 (UTC) 2,797,348.04 328.230473 174,834 94,090 53.82
20053138 Confirmed anonymous 26/09 10:49:39 (UTC) 4,535,776.29 328.230473 283,486 105,135 37.09
20043785 Confirmed anonymous 24/09 19:59:39 (UTC) 1,903,781.70 328.230473 118,986 209,542 176.11
20024853 Confirmed anonymous 21/09 13:26:44 (UTC) 1,823,973.46 328.230704 113,998 15,170 13.31
20023526 Confirmed anonymous 21/09 07:59:04 (UTC) 3,616,521.45 328.230473 226,033 20,794 9.20
20021776 Confirmed anonymous 21/09 00:38:51 (UTC) 2,609,079.62 328.230473 163,067 125,732 77.10
20012044 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 08:20:40 (UTC) 1,140,396.30 328.230473 71,275 237,024 332.55
19993680 Confirmed anonymous 16/09 03:57:43 (UTC) 1,639,292.59 331.934866 102,456 90,970 88.79
19986640 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 22:36:05 (UTC) 2,584,219.27 331.935092 161,514 94,784 58.68
19979627 Confirmed anonymous 13/09 17:22:42 (UTC) 2,609,172.49 331.934866 163,073 108,730 66.68
19971628 Confirmed anonymous 12/09 08:04:55 (UTC) 2,668,068.09 331.935183 166,754 453,916 272.21
19938509 Confirmed anonymous 06/09 14:17:45 (UTC) 2,118,552.50 331.934866 132,410 28,165 21.27
19936396 Confirmed anonymous 06/09 05:32:12 (UTC) 1,446,313.63 331.934906 90,395 108,267 119.77
19928151 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 19:22:02 (UTC) 3,494,564.57 331.935049 218,410 44,213 20.24
19924718 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 05:08:31 (UTC) 2,613,004.60 331.934866 163,313 77,558 47.49
19919370 Confirmed anonymous 03/09 07:00:08 (UTC) 3,471,548.17 331.934866 216,972 5,560 2.56
Totals 3,047,713 2,552,154 83.74
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 110 confirms.