Block Shares

Block Shares
19436787 19439309 19450728 19458936 19460044 19460533 19467138 19469024 19469246 19469629 19472870 19482929 19487581 19488671 19490554 19490968 19498951 19507822 19522017 19524549
Expected 91753 123463 108836 77538 99724 137874 129953 81751 68475 62796 107272 87372 61216 60539 103865 91336 83710 163273 123125 194411
Actual 161655 60038 269401 192656 22541 10439 150323 44454 5364 8092 75198 222793 97922 23435 37247 8511 170461 208474 317631 36198
Average 89742 89666 98311 99966 99827 100309 105263 97440 94735 92496 83851 100126 82978 66056 67527 67334 69348 85750 116976 119787

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,028,608 514985 514684 301 416,816.5975 13408052103 15020265082 112.02% 445511329.90755 12.78%
Last Hour 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,152 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 8,064 6 6 0 1,794,140.6181 672803 452682 67.28% 1947.40942164 0.07%
Last 4 Weeks 32,256 27 27 0 1,738,246.2161 2933290 2401524 81.87% 8781.74226543 0.08%
Last 12 Month 387,072 490 490 0 1,395,565.0758 42739180 39699614 92.89% 171492.843858 0.13%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
19524549 Confirmed anonymous 26/06 23:47:46 (UTC) 3,110,574.73 339.469547 194,411 36,198 18.62
19522017 Confirmed anonymous 26/06 13:14:25 (UTC) 1,970,007.81 339.469547 123,125 317,631 257.97
19507822 Confirmed anonymous 24/06 02:19:08 (UTC) 2,612,365.14 339.469949 163,273 208,474 127.68
19498951 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 13:22:23 (UTC) 1,339,362.65 339.469547 83,710 170,461 203.63
19490968 Confirmed anonymous 21/06 04:09:21 (UTC) 1,461,369.36 339.469547 91,336 8,511 9.32
19490554 Confirmed anonymous 21/06 02:22:39 (UTC) 1,661,839.85 339.469547 103,865 37,247 35.86
19488671 Confirmed anonymous 20/06 18:30:15 (UTC) 968,630.88 339.469547 60,539 23,435 38.71
19487581 Confirmed anonymous 20/06 13:57:57 (UTC) 979,460.06 339.469547 61,216 97,922 159.96
19482929 Confirmed anonymous 19/06 18:36:22 (UTC) 1,397,955.57 339.469547 87,372 222,793 254.99
19472870 Confirmed anonymous 18/06 00:45:10 (UTC) 1,716,351.62 343.300803 107,272 75,198 70.10
19469629 Confirmed anonymous 17/06 11:13:59 (UTC) 1,004,738.93 343.300783 62,796 8,092 12.89
19469246 Confirmed anonymous 17/06 09:39:57 (UTC) 1,095,603.27 343.300783 68,475 5,364 7.83
19469024 Confirmed anonymous 17/06 08:42:00 (UTC) 1,308,009.95 343.300783 81,751 44,454 54.38
19467138 Confirmed anonymous 17/06 00:49:40 (UTC) 2,079,242.00 343.300783 129,953 150,323 115.67
19460533 Confirmed anonymous 15/06 21:20:13 (UTC) 2,205,987.09 343.301322 137,874 10,439 7.57
19460044 Confirmed anonymous 15/06 19:17:23 (UTC) 1,595,584.37 343.300783 99,724 22,541 22.60
19458936 Confirmed anonymous 15/06 14:39:48 (UTC) 1,240,602.18 343.300783 77,538 192,656 248.47
19450728 Confirmed bako235 14/06 04:28:37 (UTC) 1,741,382.30 343.302470 108,836 269,401 247.53
19439309 Confirmed anonymous 12/06 05:08:44 (UTC) 1,975,412.51 343.300925 123,463 60,038 48.63
19436787 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 18:40:03 (UTC) 1,468,050.36 343.300783 91,753 161,655 176.18
Totals 2,058,282 2,122,833 103.14
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 110 confirms.