Block Shares

Block Shares
19273709 19285072 19290561 19291998 19295092 19296020 19296198 19298602 19306067 19307104 19307804 19312311 19313101 19315039 19318867 19334272 19338420 19339694 19340151 19349444
Expected 114599 129055 113755 52171 96416 239667 93540 82229 259581 121286 89019 298238 153195 172358 130405 121747 157130 50228 109760 247394
Actual 45333 249901 124540 35867 72561 21560 4158 55081 163058 21490 16044 99952 16991 42676 83951 339734 96805 27611 9816 192290
Average 151259 134084 140761 128788 132367 121014 113130 100709 116955 79355 76426 61431 50676 51357 52496 84314 93578 90831 75507 92587

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,103,323 515050 514749 301 416,969.5887 13414667426 15025125873 112.01% 445532159.60938 12.55%
Last Hour 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,152 2 2 0 1,826,614.5985 228327 30875 13.52% 634.72929425 0.17%
Last 7 Days 8,064 4 4 0 1,546,215.1047 386554 212316 54.93% 1269.45655077 0.05%
Last 4 Weeks 32,256 21 21 0 1,516,293.4934 1990135 1783304 89.61% 6664.63896626 0.07%
Last 12 Month 387,072 407 407 0 1,562,824.0286 39754336 34282039 86.23% 138579.38108878 0.11%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
19349444 Confirmed anonymous 27/05 15:13:41 (UTC) 3,958,306.54 343.300783 247,394 192,290 77.73
19340151 Confirmed anonymous 26/05 00:26:53 (UTC) 1,756,154.32 343.300783 109,760 9,816 8.94
19339694 Confirmed anonymous 25/05 22:34:30 (UTC) 803,649.11 343.300783 50,228 27,611 54.97
19338420 Confirmed anonymous 25/05 17:15:16 (UTC) 2,514,085.00 343.300783 157,130 96,805 61.61
19334272 Confirmed anonymous 25/05 00:01:55 (UTC) 1,947,956.54 343.300783 121,747 339,734 279.05
19318867 Confirmed bako235 22/05 07:52:23 (UTC) 2,086,478.44 343.301066 130,405 83,951 64.38
19315039 Confirmed anonymous 21/05 16:00:06 (UTC) 2,757,727.32 343.300783 172,358 42,676 24.76
19313101 Confirmed Cryptobucks 21/05 07:53:35 (UTC) 2,451,121.90 343.300783 153,195 16,991 11.09
19312311 Confirmed anonymous 21/05 04:37:33 (UTC) 4,771,802.40 343.300792 298,238 99,952 33.51
19307804 Confirmed anonymous 20/05 09:53:24 (UTC) 1,424,302.84 343.300783 89,019 16,044 18.02
19307104 Confirmed bako235 20/05 06:57:45 (UTC) 1,940,571.55 343.300783 121,286 21,490 17.72
19306067 Confirmed anonymous 20/05 02:42:30 (UTC) 4,153,300.18 343.300783 259,581 163,058 62.82
19298602 Confirmed anonymous 18/05 19:28:46 (UTC) 1,315,658.93 347.175259 82,229 55,081 66.98
19296198 Confirmed anonymous 18/05 09:30:46 (UTC) 1,496,640.34 347.175259 93,540 4,158 4.45
19296020 Confirmed anonymous 18/05 08:46:23 (UTC) 3,834,666.84 347.175259 239,667 21,560 9.00
19295092 Confirmed anonymous 18/05 04:55:09 (UTC) 1,542,654.85 347.175666 96,416 72,561 75.26
19291998 Confirmed Cryptobucks 17/05 16:13:42 (UTC) 834,740.28 347.175648 52,171 35,867 68.75
19290561 Confirmed anonymous 17/05 10:10:35 (UTC) 1,820,072.46 347.175259 113,755 124,540 109.48
19285072 Confirmed anonymous 16/05 11:17:24 (UTC) 2,064,879.88 347.177375 129,055 249,901 193.64
19273709 Confirmed anonymous 14/05 12:04:01 (UTC) 1,833,585.46 347.175259 114,599 45,333 39.56
Totals 2,831,773 1,719,419 60.72
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 110 confirms.