Block Shares

Block Shares
18911994 18913404 18916292 18920616 18923928 18927045 18929182 18930054 18935459 18945876 18948858 18950606 18951162 18956540 18968180 18969803 18972441 18974802 18978321 18980487
Expected 103055 36906 38144 41479 83264 90138 39514 41706 37363 47871 50593 61758 143187 53333 122278 30716 79000 56147 95985 44204
Actual 46404 25763 59138 87983 73771 72613 51011 20741 122340 227664 62261 32819 9257 109711 240346 33655 55143 49730 74817 51027
Average 71596 71084 58626 67340 69803 62025 57929 50356 57652 78743 80329 81034 76046 78219 94876 90981 91394 94293 89540 71877

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,057,028 515020 514719 301 416,902.6476 13411732117 15022557710 112.01% 445522606.46269 12.69%
Last Hour 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,152 1 1 0 1,840,639.3143 115040 203480 176.88% 320.9462286 0.09%
Last 7 Days 8,064 10 10 0 1,599,362.5363 999602 637471 63.77% 3209.45546878 0.12%
Last 4 Weeks 32,256 37 37 0 1,708,268.1841 3950370 2455708 62.16% 11925.68998685 0.11%
Last 12 Month 387,072 446 446 0 1,490,324.3787 41542792 37238816 89.64% 153915.20203947 0.12%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
18980487 Confirmed anonymous 24/03 15:42:13 (UTC) 707,261.22 351.093462 44,204 51,027 115.44
18978321 Confirmed anonymous 24/03 06:45:54 (UTC) 1,535,759.62 351.093695 95,985 74,817 77.95
18974802 Confirmed Cryptobucks 23/03 16:11:30 (UTC) 898,357.91 351.094781 56,147 49,730 88.57
18972441 Confirmed anonymous 23/03 06:23:31 (UTC) 1,264,002.21 351.093661 79,000 55,143 69.80
18969803 Confirmed anonymous 22/03 19:25:48 (UTC) 491,448.38 351.093462 30,716 33,655 109.57
18968180 Confirmed anonymous 22/03 12:45:32 (UTC) 1,956,441.79 351.093734 122,278 240,346 196.56
18956540 Confirmed anonymous 20/03 12:25:29 (UTC) 853,323.09 351.094155 53,333 109,711 205.71
18951162 Confirmed anonymous 19/03 13:56:22 (UTC) 2,290,986.56 351.093577 143,187 9,257 6.46
18950606 Confirmed Cryptobucks 19/03 11:41:55 (UTC) 988,121.68 351.094332 61,758 32,819 53.14
18948858 Confirmed anonymous 19/03 04:22:47 (UTC) 809,488.36 355.056029 50,593 62,261 123.06
18945876 Confirmed Cryptobucks 18/03 15:56:32 (UTC) 765,932.16 355.055886 47,871 227,664 475.58
18935459 Confirmed anonymous 16/03 20:48:54 (UTC) 597,813.74 355.055886 37,363 122,340 327.44
18930054 Confirmed anonymous 15/03 22:16:02 (UTC) 667,293.11 355.055886 41,706 20,741 49.73
18929182 Confirmed anonymous 15/03 18:40:45 (UTC) 632,225.69 355.055886 39,514 51,011 129.10
18927045 Confirmed anonymous 15/03 09:48:04 (UTC) 1,442,204.45 355.057290 90,138 72,613 80.56
18923928 Confirmed anonymous 14/03 20:50:18 (UTC) 1,332,230.12 355.055886 83,264 73,771 88.60
18920616 Confirmed anonymous 14/03 07:13:06 (UTC) 663,664.43 355.056013 41,479 87,983 212.11
18916292 Confirmed anonymous 13/03 13:20:44 (UTC) 610,301.54 355.056018 38,144 59,138 155.04
18913404 Confirmed anonymous 13/03 01:15:50 (UTC) 590,490.69 355.055886 36,906 25,763 69.81
18911994 Confirmed anonymous 12/03 19:22:44 (UTC) 1,648,887.76 355.056294 103,055 46,404 45.03
Totals 1,296,641 1,506,194 116.16
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 110 confirms.