Block Shares

Block Shares
10949379 10949489 10949772 10950165 10950735 10950749 10950829 10950835 10950839 10950842 10950858 10951041 10951077 10951083 10951119 10951186 10951360 10951379 10951468 10951526
Expected 587890 549132 290829 858337 1347975 885672 589438 788218 1119247 1255796 767641 824644 362303 362954 413827 415004 1091652 714611 429756 629768
Actual 288310 390701 1523979 1542744 1755418 706159 1466561 190361 371545 94355 1113592 1965076 1985215 169368 236196 399807 237740 683355 747907 94952
Average 457877 494356 644893 629369 757931 763744 907635 889827 830402 833013 915542 1072979 1119103 981765 829843 799208 676326 725625 763261 763321

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 3,972,134 514948 514647 301 416,706.8354 13403557670 15016560591 112.03% 445499265.8597 12.96%
Last Hour 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,152 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 8,064 3 3 0 1,787,969.3871 335244 422778 126.11% 992.10043088 0.04%
Last 4 Weeks 32,256 15 15 0 2,623,397.0773 2459435 2020681 82.16% 4975.32036754 0.05%
Last 12 Month 387,072 603 603 0 1,246,087.2552 46961913 46203604 98.39% 214784.54503869 0.16%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
10951526 Confirmed anonymous 04/06 06:09:10 (UTC) 10,076,292.88 588.336251 629,768 94,952 15.08
10951468 Confirmed anonymous 04/06 05:55:08 (UTC) 6,876,097.40 588.336583 429,756 747,907 174.03
10951379 Confirmed anonymous 04/06 05:32:55 (UTC) 11,433,776.86 588.336191 714,611 683,355 95.63
10951360 Confirmed anonymous 04/06 05:26:51 (UTC) 17,466,438.71 588.339121 1,091,652 237,740 21.78
10951186 Confirmed anonymous 04/06 04:45:37 (UTC) 6,640,063.11 588.336661 415,004 399,807 96.34
10951119 Confirmed anonymous 04/06 04:26:17 (UTC) 6,621,229.29 588.337005 413,827 236,196 57.08
10951083 Confirmed anonymous 04/06 04:20:03 (UTC) 5,807,262.68 588.336171 362,954 169,368 46.66
10951077 Confirmed anonymous 04/06 04:18:16 (UTC) 5,796,852.71 588.336191 362,303 1,985,215 547.94
10951041 Confirmed anonymous 04/06 04:06:33 (UTC) 13,194,307.65 588.339768 824,644 1,965,076 238.29
10950858 Confirmed anonymous 04/06 03:23:05 (UTC) 12,282,251.26 588.336171 767,641 1,113,592 145.07
10950842 Confirmed anonymous 04/06 03:17:23 (UTC) 20,092,740.46 588.337483 1,255,796 94,355 7.51
10950839 Confirmed anonymous 04/06 03:16:46 (UTC) 17,907,957.24 588.340648 1,119,247 371,545 33.20
10950835 Confirmed anonymous 04/06 03:14:05 (UTC) 12,611,489.19 588.336191 788,218 190,361 24.15
10950829 Confirmed Globocnik 04/06 03:11:58 (UTC) 9,431,004.95 588.336171 589,438 1,466,561 248.81
10950749 Confirmed anonymous 04/06 02:56:20 (UTC) 14,170,756.82 588.336171 885,672 706,159 79.73
10950735 Confirmed anonymous 04/06 02:52:30 (UTC) 21,567,603.34 588.337296 1,347,975 1,755,418 130.23
10950165 Confirmed Globocnik 04/06 00:29:26 (UTC) 13,733,385.59 588.336171 858,337 1,542,744 179.74
10949772 Confirmed Cryptobucks 03/06 22:52:35 (UTC) 4,653,257.09 588.336171 290,829 1,523,979 524.01
10949489 Confirmed Globocnik 03/06 21:40:56 (UTC) 8,786,118.35 588.336171 549,132 390,701 71.15
10949379 Confirmed anonymous 03/06 21:15:56 (UTC) 9,406,235.35 588.336171 587,890 288,310 49.04
Totals 14,284,694 15,963,341 111.75
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 110 confirms.