Block Shares

Block Shares
7314537 7314603 7314626 7314635 7314636 7314662 7314666 7314724 7314728 7314762 7314789 7314790 7314850 7314877 7314919 7314930 7314941 7314942 7314951 7315000
Expected 65244 34605 32472 39900 50736 77891 78494 34389 38874 67193 64058 73182 28243 81142 50373 38997 27226 28472 25560 43560
Actual 89515 144862 48092 10025 2453 122799 13800 152623 9406 80453 93529 1913 116274 36191 184260 15281 8969 677 6024 53678
Average 74236 77017 80636 62426 55417 65569 51640 60232 59571 67403 67804 53509 60328 62944 81125 70373 69890 54695 54357 51680

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 3,828,301 514832 514531 301 416,359.2172 13389357775 15004893992 112.07% 445459983.52331 13.45%
Last Hour 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,152 4 4 0 2,047,405.2403 511851 153360 29.96% 1388.7014439 0.35%
Last 7 Days 8,064 9 9 0 1,791,799.4493 1007887 1006491 99.86% 3124.5802452 0.11%
Last 4 Weeks 32,256 48 48 0 1,543,267.4329 4629802 4172160 90.12% 16664.52273899 0.15%
Last 12 Month 387,072 853 853 0 1,153,701.4531 61506709 65207959 106.02% 315892.33400904 0.22%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
7315000 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 16:31:39 (UTC) 696,955.16 744.701188 43,560 53,678 123.23
7314951 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 16:25:36 (UTC) 408,962.04 744.695973 25,560 6,024 23.57
7314942 Confirmed ardamonero 14/09 16:24:54 (UTC) 455,545.79 744.696313 28,472 677 2.38
7314941 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 16:24:50 (UTC) 435,611.37 744.697087 27,226 8,969 32.94
7314930 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 16:23:27 (UTC) 623,944.04 744.695973 38,997 15,281 39.19
7314919 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 16:21:33 (UTC) 805,973.14 744.795973 50,373 184,260 365.79
7314877 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 16:03:10 (UTC) 1,298,267.38 744.796200 81,142 36,191 44.60
7314850 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 15:59:19 (UTC) 451,882.73 744.695973 28,243 116,274 411.69
7314790 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 15:45:42 (UTC) 1,170,916.05 744.708927 73,182 1,913 2.61
7314789 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 15:45:31 (UTC) 1,024,925.38 744.695973 64,058 93,529 146.01
7314762 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 15:35:52 (UTC) 1,075,086.10 744.696647 67,193 80,453 119.73
7314728 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 15:27:31 (UTC) 621,988.95 744.697238 38,874 9,406 24.20
7314724 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 15:26:25 (UTC) 550,220.89 744.695973 34,389 152,623 443.81
7314666 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 15:14:10 (UTC) 1,255,911.03 744.695973 78,494 13,800 17.58
7314662 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 15:13:19 (UTC) 1,246,249.45 744.695973 77,891 122,799 157.65
7314636 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 15:03:47 (UTC) 811,778.00 744.695973 50,736 2,453 4.83
7314635 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 15:03:15 (UTC) 638,397.91 744.696973 39,900 10,025 25.13
7314626 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 15:01:54 (UTC) 519,557.25 744.696608 32,472 48,092 148.10
7314603 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 14:56:20 (UTC) 553,685.79 744.796199 34,605 144,862 418.62
7314537 Orphan anonymous 14/09 14:42:49 (UTC) 1,043,905.82 744.696199 65,244 89,515 137.20
Totals 980,611 1,190,824 121.44
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 110 confirms.