Block Shares

Block Shares
5741220 5741245 5741274 5741278 5741285 5741303 5741316 5741339 5741352 5741358 5741370 5741391 5741400 5741403 5741405 5741406 5741428 5741445 5741464 5741476
Expected 5504 6171 3979 4329 4313 4861 8890 12636 8799 8858 9169 9038 7777 8537 10045 12310 11393 10939 6074 5314
Actual 14611 8352 4358 719 1792 5301 7032 12487 11274 3292 3342 8328 4320 1205 1223 287 13301 6668 6640 4725
Average 8833 9478 7868 6419 6555 6117 6038 6318 7099 6922 5795 5793 5789 5837 5780 5279 5906 5324 4861 5004

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 3,827,773 514831 514530 301 416,357.4694 13389275547 15004838911 112.07% 445459636.34805 13.45%
Last Hour 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,152 3 3 0 2,291,320.6776 429623 98279 22.88% 1041.52618454 0.26%
Last 7 Days 8,064 8 8 0 1,851,317.0145 925659 951410 102.78% 2777.40498584 0.10%
Last 4 Weeks 32,256 49 49 0 1,532,536.1416 4693392 4255753 90.68% 17011.69799835 0.15%
Last 12 Month 387,072 853 853 0 1,153,543.5825 61498292 65315485 106.21% 315937.95061354 0.22%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
5741476 Confirmed anonymous 17/12 08:01:17 (UTC) 85,029.04 823.844051 5,314 4,725 88.92
5741464 Confirmed anonymous 17/12 07:58:45 (UTC) 97,187.31 823.843599 6,074 6,640 109.32
5741445 Confirmed anonymous 17/12 07:54:16 (UTC) 175,026.23 823.849794 10,939 6,668 60.96
5741428 Confirmed anonymous 17/12 07:49:11 (UTC) 182,284.34 823.843599 11,393 13,301 116.75
5741406 Confirmed anonymous 17/12 07:43:18 (UTC) 196,954.20 823.844233 12,310 287 2.33
5741405 Confirmed anonymous 17/12 07:43:09 (UTC) 160,725.08 823.944493 10,045 1,223 12.18
5741403 Confirmed anonymous 17/12 07:42:37 (UTC) 136,597.09 823.898059 8,537 1,205 14.12
5741400 Confirmed anonymous 17/12 07:42:02 (UTC) 124,439.41 823.843609 7,777 4,320 55.55
5741391 Confirmed anonymous 17/12 07:40:08 (UTC) 144,601.86 823.848119 9,038 8,328 92.14
5741370 Confirmed anonymous 17/12 07:36:14 (UTC) 146,706.08 823.843599 9,169 3,342 36.45
5741358 Confirmed anonymous 17/12 07:34:22 (UTC) 141,727.59 823.843599 8,858 3,292 37.16
5741352 Confirmed anonymous 17/12 07:32:37 (UTC) 140,783.04 823.856718 8,799 11,274 128.13
5741339 Confirmed anonymous 17/12 07:26:34 (UTC) 202,176.43 823.843599 12,636 12,487 98.82
5741316 Confirmed MatBott 17/12 07:19:58 (UTC) 142,246.38 823.844269 8,890 7,032 79.10
5741303 Confirmed anonymous 17/12 07:16:15 (UTC) 77,773.79 823.845859 4,861 5,301 109.05
5741285 Confirmed anonymous 17/12 07:13:22 (UTC) 69,009.93 823.843599 4,313 1,792 41.55
5741278 Confirmed anonymous 17/12 07:12:22 (UTC) 69,265.91 824.843599 4,329 719 16.61
5741274 Confirmed anonymous 17/12 07:11:57 (UTC) 63,670.62 823.844815 3,979 4,358 109.53
5741245 Confirmed anonymous 17/12 07:08:15 (UTC) 98,731.10 823.843599 6,171 8,352 135.34
5741220 Confirmed anonymous 17/12 07:00:45 (UTC) 88,068.03 823.847820 5,504 14,611 265.46
Totals 158,936 119,257 75.03
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 110 confirms.