Block Shares

Block Shares
16813023 16813618 16813679 16813789 16814114 16814864 16814963 16815089 16815139 16815217 16815948 16816160 16816645 16816646 16817734 16818150 16818389 16818482 16818829 16819535
Expected 111101 54546 88907 74035 73246 72395 39277 58307 95262 83389 101245 53107 148763 189166 69521 33772 64988 55802 84255 30241
Actual 42683 136708 14126 19099 74180 175183 27723 25516 13182 17199 177290 53132 98520 282 256326 98904 59225 22563 81961 170949
Average 65426 76917 78275 73040 69058 69064 57088 57809 55590 54560 68021 59663 68102 66221 84435 76807 79958 79662 86540 101915

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 3,972,149 514949 514648 301 416,711.0954 13403720738 15016686323 112.03% 445499594.09018 12.96%
Last Hour 48 1 1 0 2,609,079.6172 163067 125732 77.10% 328.23047274 2.08%
Last 24 Hours 1,152 1 1 0 2,609,079.6172 163067 125732 77.10% 328.23047274 0.09%
Last 7 Days 8,064 4 4 0 1,993,246.9446 498312 548510 110.07% 1320.33090362 0.05%
Last 4 Weeks 32,256 16 16 0 2,622,502.2360 2622502 2146413 81.85% 5303.55084028 0.05%
Last 12 Month 387,072 604 604 0 1,248,343.8650 47124981 46329336 98.31% 215112.77551143 0.16%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
16819535 Confirmed anonymous 16/03 14:21:23 (UTC) 483,848.05 406.241755 30,241 170,949 565.29
16818829 Confirmed anonymous 16/03 11:24:54 (UTC) 1,348,076.03 406.241785 84,255 81,961 97.28
16818482 Confirmed anonymous 16/03 10:01:05 (UTC) 892,839.91 406.242108 55,802 22,563 40.43
16818389 Confirmed anonymous 16/03 09:37:52 (UTC) 1,039,809.77 406.241611 64,988 59,225 91.13
16818150 Confirmed anonymous 16/03 08:36:39 (UTC) 540,355.51 406.241753 33,772 98,904 292.86
16817734 Confirmed anonymous 16/03 06:50:51 (UTC) 1,112,342.41 406.242426 69,521 256,326 368.70
16816646 Confirmed anonymous 16/03 02:18:20 (UTC) 3,026,651.87 406.241611 189,166 282 0.15
16816645 Confirmed anonymous 16/03 02:18:02 (UTC) 2,380,214.47 406.241611 148,763 98,520 66.23
16816160 Confirmed anonymous 16/03 00:31:52 (UTC) 849,709.88 406.241611 53,107 53,132 100.05
16815948 Confirmed anonymous 15/03 23:35:32 (UTC) 1,619,912.94 406.241611 101,245 177,290 175.11
16815217 Confirmed anonymous 15/03 20:28:35 (UTC) 1,334,229.92 406.241611 83,389 17,199 20.63
16815139 Confirmed anonymous 15/03 20:10:31 (UTC) 1,524,197.14 406.241611 95,262 13,182 13.84
16815089 Confirmed anonymous 15/03 19:56:23 (UTC) 932,910.60 406.241611 58,307 25,516 43.76
16814963 Confirmed anonymous 15/03 19:28:47 (UTC) 628,438.27 406.241611 39,277 27,723 70.58
16814864 Confirmed anonymous 15/03 18:59:24 (UTC) 1,158,326.24 406.243329 72,395 175,183 241.98
16814114 Confirmed anonymous 15/03 15:51:35 (UTC) 1,171,930.72 406.241832 73,246 74,180 101.28
16813789 Confirmed anonymous 15/03 14:32:55 (UTC) 1,184,556.68 406.241611 74,035 19,099 25.80
16813679 Confirmed anonymous 15/03 14:04:11 (UTC) 1,422,517.21 406.241611 88,907 14,126 15.89
16813618 Confirmed anonymous 15/03 13:48:53 (UTC) 872,740.33 406.241611 54,546 136,708 250.63
16813023 Confirmed anonymous 15/03 11:22:54 (UTC) 1,777,619.27 406.244395 111,101 42,683 38.42
Totals 1,581,325 1,564,751 98.95
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 110 confirms.