Block Shares

Block Shares
16544494 16544516 16544833 16546752 16548414 16548492 16549976 16551202 16551430 16551621 16552028 16553038 16553371 16553472 16553862 16554231 16555289 16557290 16557983 16558778
Expected 103657 54153 49018 75948 109900 36205 87489 95912 60528 89200 240402 29841 45450 99273 77146 91105 123006 66983 93995 86249
Actual 7574 905 29659 191052 152738 5491 137923 119050 21102 18284 40245 91316 29994 9788 36499 37262 101490 190036 63137 77109
Average 47336 46731 46765 64728 78786 76366 76285 83012 69844 68378 71645 80686 80720 62593 50969 54146 50503 57602 61805 67688

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 3,828,464 514832 514531 301 416,359.2172 13389357775 15004893992 112.07% 445459983.52331 13.45%
Last Hour 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,152 3 3 0 2,215,655.3694 415435 80799 19.45% 1041.52577808 0.26%
Last 7 Days 8,064 9 9 0 1,791,799.4493 1007887 1006491 99.86% 3124.5802452 0.11%
Last 4 Weeks 32,256 47 47 0 1,564,652.6239 4596167 4139464 90.06% 16317.34622013 0.15%
Last 12 Month 387,072 852 852 0 1,153,645.4180 61431619 65153963 106.06% 315499.54190188 0.22%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
16558778 Confirmed anonymous 30/01 10:44:25 (UTC) 1,379,981.64 410.826434 86,249 77,109 89.40
16557983 Confirmed anonymous 30/01 07:25:01 (UTC) 1,503,917.93 410.826434 93,995 63,137 67.17
16557290 Confirmed anonymous 30/01 04:30:54 (UTC) 1,071,721.20 410.826434 66,983 190,036 283.71
16555289 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 20:11:08 (UTC) 1,968,103.60 410.826434 123,006 101,490 82.51
16554231 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 15:48:19 (UTC) 1,457,678.54 410.826842 91,105 37,262 40.90
16553862 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 14:12:00 (UTC) 1,234,329.28 410.826434 77,146 36,499 47.31
16553472 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 12:37:06 (UTC) 1,588,365.01 410.826434 99,273 9,788 9.86
16553371 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 12:10:58 (UTC) 727,202.22 410.826434 45,450 29,994 65.99
16553038 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 10:49:52 (UTC) 477,452.73 410.826437 29,841 91,316 306.01
16552028 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 06:43:03 (UTC) 3,846,431.85 410.826434 240,402 40,245 16.74
16551621 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 04:59:09 (UTC) 1,427,198.08 410.826454 89,200 18,284 20.50
16551430 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 04:11:06 (UTC) 968,447.45 410.826453 60,528 21,102 34.86
16551202 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 03:15:57 (UTC) 1,534,589.27 410.826434 95,912 119,050 124.12
16549976 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 22:06:51 (UTC) 1,399,817.24 410.826434 87,489 137,923 157.65
16548492 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 15:58:44 (UTC) 579,272.36 410.826643 36,205 5,491 15.17
16548414 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 15:43:34 (UTC) 1,758,395.56 410.828514 109,900 152,738 138.98
16546752 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 08:49:10 (UTC) 1,215,165.21 410.826434 75,948 191,052 251.56
16544833 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 00:52:34 (UTC) 784,292.43 410.826434 49,018 29,659 60.51
16544516 Confirmed anonymous 27/01 23:34:17 (UTC) 866,454.20 410.831356 54,153 905 1.67
16544494 Confirmed anonymous 27/01 23:31:42 (UTC) 1,658,510.86 410.826434 103,657 7,574 7.31
Totals 1,715,460 1,360,654 79.32
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 110 confirms.