Block Shares

Block Shares
20530484 20535994 20537008 20542717 20543171 20546755 20559526 20561257 20568214 20576279 20582440 20596547 20598752 20610948 20611450 20626681 20670838 20673410 20675364 20676601
Expected 48038 126892 90222 59030 123172 96726 58198 65839 167874 78254 75433 53258 210910 75868 108558 82064 124039 34188 116060 112267
Actual 1589 77504 14161 84726 6888 53120 188524 24772 104124 137020 78976 171758 27903 152091 6403 133329 156908 24533 18487 12388
Average 90216 94470 93451 90305 87395 84381 102364 92400 86351 69243 76982 86407 87781 94518 94469 102490 99328 99305 90741 78278

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,103,269 515050 514749 301 416,969.5887 13414667426 15025125873 112.01% 445532159.60938 12.55%
Last Hour 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,152 2 2 0 1,826,614.5985 228327 30875 13.52% 634.72929425 0.17%
Last 7 Days 8,064 4 4 0 1,546,215.1047 386554 212316 54.93% 1269.45655077 0.05%
Last 4 Weeks 32,256 21 21 0 1,516,293.4934 1990135 1783304 89.61% 6664.63896626 0.07%
Last 12 Month 387,072 407 407 0 1,562,824.0286 39754336 34282039 86.23% 138579.38108878 0.11%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
20676601 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 09:10:00 (UTC) 1,796,275.51 317.365795 112,267 12,388 11.03
20675364 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 03:52:59 (UTC) 1,856,953.69 317.363499 116,060 18,487 15.93
20673410 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 19:50:29 (UTC) 547,008.55 317.363499 34,188 24,533 71.76
20670838 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 09:07:16 (UTC) 1,984,622.67 317.363757 124,039 156,908 126.50
20626681 Confirmed anonymous 03/01 17:45:47 (UTC) 1,313,020.94 317.363499 82,064 133,329 162.47
20611450 Confirmed anonymous 01/01 02:33:07 (UTC) 1,736,931.25 317.363499 108,558 6,403 5.90
20610948 Confirmed anonymous 01/01 00:27:17 (UTC) 1,213,890.70 317.363499 75,868 152,091 200.47
20598752 Confirmed anonymous 29/12 21:45:57 (UTC) 3,374,557.19 317.363499 210,910 27,903 13.23
20596547 Confirmed anonymous 29/12 12:33:23 (UTC) 852,122.10 317.363499 53,258 171,758 322.50
20582440 Confirmed anonymous 27/12 02:02:02 (UTC) 1,206,933.67 317.363499 75,433 78,976 104.70
20576279 Confirmed anonymous 26/12 00:22:28 (UTC) 1,252,058.13 317.363499 78,254 137,020 175.10
20568214 Confirmed anonymous 24/12 14:59:18 (UTC) 2,685,979.22 317.364648 167,874 104,124 62.03
20561257 Confirmed anonymous 23/12 10:07:18 (UTC) 1,053,431.45 317.364163 65,839 24,772 37.63
20559526 Confirmed anonymous 23/12 02:57:08 (UTC) 931,173.98 317.363499 58,198 188,524 323.94
20546755 Confirmed anonymous 20/12 21:56:23 (UTC) 1,547,609.96 317.363508 96,726 53,120 54.92
20543171 Confirmed anonymous 20/12 07:05:00 (UTC) 1,970,756.40 317.363509 123,172 6,888 5.59
20542717 Confirmed anonymous 20/12 05:10:32 (UTC) 944,478.53 317.364127 59,030 84,726 143.53
20537008 Confirmed anonymous 19/12 05:23:18 (UTC) 1,443,552.63 317.363499 90,222 14,161 15.70
20535994 Confirmed anonymous 19/12 01:14:57 (UTC) 2,030,266.44 317.363718 126,892 77,504 61.08
20530484 Confirmed bako235 18/12 02:26:58 (UTC) 768,600.71 317.363499 48,038 1,589 3.31
Totals 1,906,890 1,475,204 77.36
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 110 confirms.