Block Shares

Block Shares
19646477 19648924 19649637 19651150 19654311 19656611 19659573 19675362 19677491 19684102 19689628 19704468 19705353 19706722 19727215 19727488 19745701 19747562 19749555 19784093
Expected 150947 128085 95818 96663 82599 110973 128196 113728 189739 152124 90982 89782 86733 100148 107797 89853 111239 167490 173022 196850
Actual 17159 48595 13804 24611 42810 43866 60381 268893 36495 114000 97495 243159 14658 22852 324171 4310 291579 30869 30725 600973
Average 56518 59188 40067 40746 43723 45689 37032 61367 60325 67061 75095 94551 94637 94461 122597 118641 141761 117959 117382 166079

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 3,987,475 514956 514655 301 416,741.4334 13404878901 15017507553 112.03% 445501891.70434 12.91%
Last Hour 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,152 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 8,064 3 3 0 2,216,854.3789 415660 470589 113.21% 984.69203622 0.04%
Last 4 Weeks 32,256 14 14 0 2,421,385.4917 2118712 1960551 92.54% 4613.74997683 0.04%
Last 12 Month 387,072 584 584 0 1,273,703.9620 46490195 44281150 95.25% 207383.57091879 0.15%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
19784093 Confirmed anonymous 10/08 21:06:20 (UTC) 3,149,593.80 335.682937 196,850 600,973 305.29
19749555 Confirmed anonymous 04/08 22:07:18 (UTC) 2,768,357.86 335.681624 173,022 30,725 17.76
19747562 Confirmed anonymous 04/08 13:53:52 (UTC) 2,679,845.01 335.681067 167,490 30,869 18.43
19745701 Confirmed anonymous 04/08 06:06:23 (UTC) 1,779,817.71 335.681312 111,239 291,579 262.12
19727488 Confirmed Cryptobucks 01/08 02:32:34 (UTC) 1,437,648.46 335.681067 89,853 4,310 4.80
19727215 Confirmed anonymous 01/08 01:25:25 (UTC) 1,724,751.91 335.681087 107,797 324,171 300.72
19706722 Confirmed anonymous 28/07 12:37:39 (UTC) 1,602,372.09 335.681067 100,148 22,852 22.82
19705353 Confirmed anonymous 28/07 06:50:22 (UTC) 1,387,721.92 335.681067 86,733 14,658 16.90
19704468 Confirmed anonymous 28/07 03:07:55 (UTC) 1,436,519.58 335.681286 89,782 243,159 270.83
19689628 Confirmed anonymous 25/07 13:31:47 (UTC) 1,455,704.22 335.681075 90,982 97,495 107.16
19684102 Confirmed anonymous 24/07 14:42:18 (UTC) 2,433,980.81 335.681067 152,124 114,000 74.94
19677491 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 11:16:51 (UTC) 3,035,827.77 335.681353 189,739 36,495 19.23
19675362 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 02:27:51 (UTC) 1,819,653.76 335.681067 113,728 268,893 236.44
19659573 Confirmed anonymous 20/07 08:48:40 (UTC) 2,051,135.64 335.681067 128,196 60,381 47.10
19656611 Confirmed anonymous 19/07 20:28:58 (UTC) 1,775,572.48 335.681067 110,973 43,866 39.53
19654311 Confirmed anonymous 19/07 10:59:56 (UTC) 1,321,576.54 335.682197 82,599 42,810 51.83
19651150 Confirmed anonymous 18/07 21:49:04 (UTC) 1,546,608.56 335.681087 96,663 24,611 25.46
19649637 Confirmed anonymous 18/07 15:34:01 (UTC) 1,533,089.30 339.469559 95,818 13,804 14.41
19648924 Confirmed anonymous 18/07 12:33:49 (UTC) 2,049,354.06 339.469547 128,085 48,595 37.94
19646477 Confirmed anonymous 18/07 02:26:48 (UTC) 2,415,145.20 339.469571 150,947 17,159 11.37
Totals 2,462,768 2,331,405 94.67
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 110 confirms.