Block Shares

Block Shares
17799004 17799366 17802817 17804928 17808640 17809300 17811024 17813089 17817139 17817774 17819421 17819444 17837023 17837653 17838693 17838991 17841239 17849838 17850940 17852528
Expected 75607 112333 68286 156150 67556 74836 79682 106122 78276 148636 117289 113160 52312 59654 117023 91485 62316 221328 48849 161270
Actual 106648 13367 135412 78649 141734 23818 62341 78937 146878 23791 61256 1363 665215 23785 40142 12333 92290 338619 39882 58784
Average 108979 100906 101447 103579 105944 102213 80030 76017 79884 81158 76618 75418 128398 122912 112753 111604 114599 140567 129868 133367

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 3,987,439 514956 514655 301 416,741.4334 13404878901 15017507553 112.03% 445501891.70434 12.91%
Last Hour 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,152 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 8,064 3 3 0 2,216,854.3789 415660 470589 113.21% 984.69203622 0.04%
Last 4 Weeks 32,256 14 14 0 2,421,385.4917 2118712 1960551 92.54% 4613.74997683 0.04%
Last 12 Month 387,072 584 584 0 1,273,703.9620 46490195 44281150 95.25% 207383.57091879 0.15%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
17852528 Confirmed anonymous 11/09 10:23:06 (UTC) 2,580,325.72 379.787423 161,270 58,784 36.45
17850940 Confirmed anonymous 11/09 03:48:17 (UTC) 781,579.00 379.787408 48,849 39,882 81.64
17849838 Confirmed anonymous 10/09 23:09:29 (UTC) 3,541,251.51 379.787408 221,328 338,619 152.99
17841239 Confirmed anonymous 09/09 11:28:56 (UTC) 997,050.87 379.787408 62,316 92,290 148.10
17838991 Confirmed anonymous 09/09 02:07:24 (UTC) 1,463,762.36 379.787408 91,485 12,333 13.48
17838693 Confirmed anonymous 09/09 00:48:59 (UTC) 1,872,372.96 379.787408 117,023 40,142 34.30
17837653 Confirmed anonymous 08/09 20:30:15 (UTC) 954,456.58 379.787931 59,654 23,785 39.87
17837023 Confirmed anonymous 08/09 17:55:10 (UTC) 836,989.75 379.787573 52,312 665,215 1,271.63
17819444 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 16:58:05 (UTC) 1,810,556.53 379.791149 113,160 1,363 1.20
17819421 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 16:49:53 (UTC) 1,876,629.75 379.787549 117,289 61,256 52.23
17817774 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 10:02:25 (UTC) 2,378,175.73 379.788001 148,636 23,791 16.01
17817139 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 07:22:57 (UTC) 1,252,408.98 379.787408 78,276 146,878 187.64
17813089 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 14:29:42 (UTC) 1,697,946.16 379.787408 106,122 78,937 74.38
17811024 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 05:52:38 (UTC) 1,274,909.67 379.787408 79,682 62,341 78.24
17809300 Confirmed anonymous 03/09 22:48:28 (UTC) 1,197,375.51 379.787408 74,836 23,818 31.83
17808640 Confirmed anonymous 03/09 20:02:08 (UTC) 1,080,899.06 379.787408 67,556 141,734 209.80
17804928 Confirmed anonymous 03/09 04:35:22 (UTC) 2,498,403.36 379.787408 156,150 78,649 50.37
17802817 Confirmed anonymous 02/09 19:46:44 (UTC) 1,092,575.57 379.787408 68,286 135,412 198.30
17799366 Confirmed anonymous 02/09 05:23:05 (UTC) 1,797,335.53 379.787408 112,333 13,367 11.90
17799004 Confirmed anonymous 02/09 03:53:57 (UTC) 1,209,711.68 379.787408 75,607 106,648 141.06
Totals 2,012,170 2,145,244 106.61
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 110 confirms.